Mollye Bendell '18 receives Harvestworks Residency
"The Language of the Angels is an immersive virtual reality artwork that playfully addresses the changing conception of space and place within our own consciousness. The work consists of an obsessively detailed model of Mollye’s bedroom, drawing tension between technology and consciousness to represent the realities we construct. Each week, a new “chapter” of the room is released, allowing viewers to manipulate the space and create alternative realities. The Language of the Angels will be released on a dedicated website each week.
Mollye Bendell makes digital and analog sculptures for digital and analog worlds. Her practice explores the dissolving line between the digital and the physical that defines the human/user experience of “things.” In her work, she experiments with virtual reality, 3D printing, laser cutting, CNC machining, circuit building and bending, and codeable objects. The intangible nature of electronic media is used as a metaphor for exploring vulnerability, visibility, and longing in a world that can feel isolating. Mollye currently lives and works in Baltimore, Maryland." (
Posted: March 20, 2019, 10:55 AM